a) Acceleration
b) Delay
c) Tracking
d) Regression
142) Contingency reserve is for:
a) Known unknowns
b) Remaining risk after risk response planning
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
143) Management reserve is:
a) Intended to address Unknown unknowns
b) Part of the overall project duration requirements
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
144) Outputs of Monitor and control project work are:
a) Project management plan updates
b) Work performance reports
c) Change requests
d) All of the above
145) Crashing and Fast tracking are techniques used for:
a) Project management
b) Cost reduction
c) Schedule compression
d) Schedule estimation
146) Cost baseline:
a) Is the approved version of the time-phased project budget, excluding any management reserves
b) Can only be changed through formal change control procedures
c) Developed as a summation of the approved budgets for the different schedule activities
d) All of the above
147) The cost and accuracy of analogous and parametrics models are likely to be most reliable when:
a) Historical information used to develop the model is accurate
b) Parameters used in the model are readily quantifiable
c) Models are scalable, such that they work for large projects, small projects, and phases of a project
d) All of the above
148) Identifying quality standards for the project and dcoumenting how the project will comply with quality requirements is:
a) Plan Quality Management
b) Perform Quality Assurance
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Quality
149) The process of auditing quality requirements and the results from
quality control measurements to ensure that appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are used is:
a) Plan Quality Management
b) Perform Quality Assurance
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Quality
150) The process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality activities
to assess performance and recommend necessary changes is:
a) Plan Quality Management
b) Perform Quality Assurance
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Quality
151) Choosing a part of a population of interest for inspection is:
a) Scatter diagram
b) Statistical sampling
c) Inspection
d) Defect repair
152) Inspections are also called:
a) Peer reviews
b) Audits
c) Walkthroughs
d) All of the above
153) Staff Management Plan contains:
a) Staff acquisition
b) Staff release plan
c) Training needs
d) All of the above
154) Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum proposes:
a) Five stages of team development
b) Model-telling
c) Offering more freedom as the team matures
d) None of the above
155) Authoritarian, Paternalistic, Democratic and Laissez-faire are examples of:
a) Leadership styles
b) Team building style
c) Planning style
d) None of the above
156) Which of the following can result in conflicts:
a) Schedule
b) Project priorities
c) Resources
d) All of the above
157) Power that a PM has on the basis of the special skills he possesses is:
a) Referent
b) Expert
c) Reward
d) Penalty
158) A conflict management technique that involves incorporating viewpoints from everyone is?
a) Smooth
b) Collaborate
c) Compromise
d) Withdraw
159) Which of the below are techniques to resolve conflicts in a team?
a) Collaborate
b) Accomodate
c) Compromise
d) All of the above
160) Which of the following management styles is focused on increasing employee loyalty to the company by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the well-being of the employee, both on and off the job?
a) Theory X
b) Theory Y
c) Theory Z
d) Maslow's hierarchy of needs